And now let's get back to gaming related topics: Angband got released on the Android Market recently, and I'm hooked. It's a concept that's so simple , yet still so deep and realistic that I truly long for something similar with a technically modern approach, without losing the initial depth of it. Also, it made me play Iter Vehemens ad Necem again, whenever I'm near a PC. Yay for rogue-likes.
Just one small warning to those of you who want to download the app for their Android phones: It needs a keyboard, so you're pretty much screwed if you went for a HTC Magic rather than the good old HTC T-Mobile G1.
Wee, I didnt realise this was out for the G1, got one with my phone upgrade last month, going to download Angband right now!
Also congrats with moving in with the gf, did it last month myself :)
hui, somebody actually commented. Yay for Mahskir :D
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